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January 26, 2025


Dear Parishioners,

THANK YOU to our parishioners who shoveled snow and laid down salt during our January snowstorms - Justin Ihnat for the first storm, and Dean Brittingham for the second. Your help is much appreciated!


BISHOP WILLIAM E. KOENIG invites all married couples in the Diocese of Wilmington to the Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass on World Marriage Sunday, February 9, 2025, at 1:00pm at St. Margaret of Scotland Church in Newark, DE. Those celebrating significant anniversaries (5-year increments) - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or any anniversary beyond 50, will receive a special certificate from the Bishop. Reservations are needed, no matter what the anniversary year.

Reservations are required by February 4, 2025.  Questions may be referred to the Office for Marriage and Family Life at 302-295-0657 or by emailing  Reservations can be completed by using the following link – or by going to the Diocesan Website - Ministries - Marriage and Family Life.


HELP YOURSELF TO THE REMAING CHRISTMAS FLOWERS. With the right care, they can last for years and add beauty to your home.


CCD and CONFIRMATION class schedule for the year: Feb 2, Feb 16, Mar 2, Mar 16, March 16, March 30, April 4, April 13, May 4, May 18.


Collection totals: for 1/19-$2986.   Thank you!

PLEASE remember in your prayers the sick of the parish, including Joe Bicknell, Frank O Conner, Tom Craig, Shirley Hohrein, Amanda Panshoukian, Kathy O'Connor, Mary Katherine Romano, Maddeline West, Shawn Leahy, Dave Craft, Janice Grant, Lillian Herz, Rhonda and Otis Bain, Ellen Cimino, Ed and Mary Weatherby, baby Carter Harycki and his mother Claire Harycki, Jeff and Vivian Limbeck, Rob Demaris, and Francis Early. Pray fervently for peace in Ukraine, and Sudan, the Holy Land, and for lasting peace in Gaza, where innocent civilians have died in great numbers, as we also remember the hostages still in danger after many months. Pray for those in other troubled areas of our world, that the new government in Syria may pursue peace and justice, and for victims of violence everywhere. Remember the people and any of God's creatures suffering in the aftermath of various disasters, those who will be affected by winter weather, and all those dealing with the fires in California, as well as all those suffering from human cruelty and neglect. 


Fr.  Dan     




Saturdays: 3:25 pm - 3:45 p.m. at Holy Name

Sundays:   7:25am - 7:45 am at St. Elizabeth  





Sat.  4:00 pm- Mary Crumlish Intention

Sun. 9:30 am   Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life    

Tues.9:00 am- Private Intention

Wed. 6:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration & Rosary



Sat.    5:30 pm - People of the Parish

Sun.   8:00 am - +Dave Ridgway req. by Sallie Ridgway

           5:00 pm    Spanish Mass

Wed.  8:30 am -   Private Intention, followed by Eucharistic Adoration 


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